2023年学术卓越奖学金获奖名单公布! 中国学生光荣上榜(附获奖名单)

你是否也为自己能够平衡生活和学习而感到自豪,但有时却又希望自己优异的成绩不仅仅只体现在一个 D (Distinction) 的评分字母中?

2023年学术卓越奖学金获奖名单公布! 中国学生光荣上榜(附获奖名单)

自 2019 年以来,纽卡斯尔大学成立了 副校长学术卓越奖学金 Vice-Chancellor’s Academic Excellence Scholarships, 嘉奖那些为获取杰出学业成绩而付出的辛勤工作、坚持不懈、与持续努力的澳洲和国际本科在读学生,并通过10, 000 澳元每学年的奖学金为这些学生提供支持和鼓励。

奖学金是学生学术生涯中的宝贵资产,不同奖学金的评定通常基于不同的评定要求和标准。 然而,对于副校长学术卓越奖学金Vice-Chancellor’s Academic Excellence Scholarships 的评定,你只需要在学位项目学习中拿到卓越的学业成绩。 


了解此奖学金的评定标准, 请在大学官网访问。


Academic Excellence Scholarships Recognising Outstanding Performance in Undergraduate Studies


Ailsa Chen

Bachelor of Biomedical Science

Zari Campbell

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Honours)

Isabelle Imig

Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)

Polly Britten

Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine

Louise Abernathy

Bachelor of Nursing

Callum Gapes

Bachelor of Environmental Science & Managemtnt

Harry Carter

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours)

Benjamin Vivian

Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)

Ty Doubikin

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours)/

Bachelor of Mathematics

Manav Arora

Bachelor of Info Tech/Bachelor of Business

Nicole Tremain

Bachelor of Public & Community Health

Leilani Jones

Bachelor of Education (Primary)

Liam Jarrett

Bachelor of Education (Secondary)

Samuel Cox

Bachelor of Communication/ Bachelor of Laws (H)

Yuka Hirota

Bachelor of Visual Communication Design

Tyler Edmonds

Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science

Quynh Truc Tran

Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)

Emma Dean

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)

Alessandra Puno

Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics (Honours)

Caitlin Connors

Bachelor of Nursing

Amanda Porter

Bachelor of Nursing

Bailey Pattison

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours)/ Bachelor of Mathematics

Nathaniel Girdler

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Honours)

Jessie Webb

Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)

Patrick Johansen

Bachelor of Medical Engineering (Honours)

Tejkirat Sukhija

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Honours)

James Finn

Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Laws (H)

Hannah Marquet

Bachelor of Education (Primary)

Yanxi Yu

Bachelor of Commerce

Chantae Kennedy

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood/ Primary)

Vridhi Harjani

Bachelor of Education (Primary)

Blair Simpson-Wise

Bachelor of Development Studies/ Bachelor of Communication


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